Monday, June 8, 2015

Learning to Transpose Music

Both kids started a group music/piano class when they were 3. At age 4 Sweet Son moved to private lessons while Sweet Daughter continued to thrive in the group class. The group class had a recital that included the group singing and dancing, playing pianos as a group, and playing individual solos. I have included the group piano playing because it's the only video you can't see any other kids in (they are sitting at pianos facing the other direction).

The most impressive part of this isn't just how well they are playing at 4 years old, though that is impressive. They all learned to transpose between C, G, and F. Yes, these are easy songs - they are preschoolers after all. The concept of even understanding what transposing means is difficult for many older musicians. Actually being able to apply that knowledge is amazing.

It's a long video because they play so many songs, feel free to just watch a short part.

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