Friday, September 23, 2016

Birthday Trip

This year for their birthday the kids had very specific requests. Sweet Son wanted bacon. Sweet Daughter wanted a real tiger. Wonderful Husband (his birthday is the same week) wanted a trip out of town. I made all of their dreams come true.

First the bacon, we ate at diners or Sonic for every meal for the entire trip so he had bacon 6 meals in a row. That was the easy part. Real tigers and a trip - this took some research. I found a place in Oklahoma that calls itself an exotic animal park. The reviews were extremely mixed. Some people said it's great because you can hold baby tigers, see animals that you wouldn't normally see even in a zoo, etc. The other reviews hated it saying the tour guide was crude, cussing, and clearly didn't care about the welfare of the animals. The many large animals were all in cages and not anything even close to a natural habitat. I had no idea if this would turn out great or awful, but it was my only option for combining a trip and real tigers.

The day we were going to visit the tigers it was raining. It rained the entire time we were there. This made it exceptionally muddy on the dirt trails. It also made it cooler and the animals much more active. We didn't see any animals pacing in cages and they were all well fed and the cages were clean. We also didn't get the usual tour guide. Our guide was appropriate and explained everything clearly.

Baby tiger!

She had help holding it

They look at each other


The family with a different baby tiger. This one wasn't as docile as the first so it didn't do any individual visits.

I will post more photos from other parts of our experience there next week.

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