Friday, December 28, 2012

Fine Motor

I've done many posts on fine motor, but many people don't see it as important for young children. Fine motor activities build the muscles that will later be used for cutting with scissors, writing, and even typing and using a stylus.

The kids love playing with play-doh. I make sure during their play they each roll, pat, pinch, and pull because each of those actions develops different muscles in their hands. Because my kids have had so much fine motor work, I felt it was time to work on scissor skills. We started with Training Scissors and once they understood the hand motion they needed to use we were able to move on. Next came Self Opening Scissors. These are great because it is easier to squeeze scissors shut than to open them. Finally I decided they were ready for the real thing.

I set up both kids close enough that I could reach them, but not close enough that they could cut each other. I put a piece of paper and a pair of scissors in front of them and let them decide how to hold everything and make it work.

 Sweet daughter went for a typical toddler hold - not comfortable or natural. She does have her thumb in one hole and two fingers in the other, but she put the blades going across her palm. Awkward hold and all, she was still able to cut the paper fairly well.

Sweet son went with the more traditional hold and also found success in cutting on his own. Very few young two year olds can cut this well because most just don't have the hand strength. Most preschools don't even work on scissor skills until kids are 3. We are not working on cutting on a line or making anything special. We are just using scissors and continuing to build those muscles.

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