Monday, January 25, 2016

My kids dress themselves

I have many friends with philosophies like mine when it comes to what their kids wear. We have 2 rules about clothing - 1. It must be clean. 2. You must be covered. Other than that, we don't say anything. Most of the other families I know who follow this philosophy have kids dressing creatively: bright colors, patterns that don't match, and style with personality. My kids can't even do weird normally.

She is a princess and he is a knight ninja to protect her.

Yes, a full pinstripe suit and sunglasses to pay piano and sing.

Another day, but he's still in his favorite suit. This time he added Spiderman slippers, a workman's vest, and pencils. When dressing themselves, other kids go for crazy, mine look like they are headed for a formal event. The upside to all of this is his suits are all washable and we certainly got our money out of them!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for putting an effort to published this article. You've done a great job! Good bless!

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