Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tree Climbing

The tree in our backyard is not a climbing tree. I can walk under it without ducking, which means the lowest branch is more than 5 ft high. That's a long way up when you are a short 5 year old. However, the kids decided they were going to climb the tree. I sat and watched not making any suggestions or comments. They problem solved, they worked together and they both climbed the tree much higher than I would have ever expected.

Sweet Son climbing with a helping hand from Sweet Daughter
He made it as high as 6 foot fence and still isn't at the lowest branch.

Sweet Daughter made it higher. He is standing on his tippy toes trying to help her up. She was able to look over the fence and see the field on the other side.

Yes, they both scraped up their hands and wore down their pants. Who cares though? They were working together and having fun.

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