This is just a collection of randomness that didn't fit with anything else this month. Randomness sums up most of our days around here. haha
Wonderful husband let me sleep in and when I came out this is what I found. They used balloons, paper towel rolls, pipe cleaners, and markers to make... stuff.
Making egg salad
Here you see the kids wearing headphones. We started planning a big trip to take the kids to meet the rest of their family in Poland. We also planned side trips to Italy and Germany. We got these for the flights. They fit the kids properly, they can't be turned up too loudly (thus preventing hearing damage), and they like the cute animals. This was just a picture of them trying them on for the first time. Then we put them away and they were so excited to see them when it was finally time for the trip.
The Christmas spirit is still going, even in March.
Playing with an air pump and a ping pong ball.