Monday, October 8, 2012

Fun at Home

Our days are busy at home and these are just some photos of the things we do every day.

In order to introduce other cultures and religions, we read books about all major holidays, even the ones we don't celebrate. Here we are reading a book about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

A few days later when it was time to return the book to the library, sweet daughter was pretending to read it on the way to return it. This is what I heard, "I love reading. Rosh Hashanah. Not a trumpet. It's a show-far. I sorry. I be nice this year. Happy New Year. Sin-a-gong. Apples and honey are sweet. Happy New Year. They give bread to the birds. La Shan Ah Tova. I love the library. The end."

Clearly she has a 2 year old's understanding of the holiday. She gets the small things, but misses the big concepts. On the other hand, I think she knows more about it than most adult non-Jews. I'm proud

Here's sweet son painting. You have no idea how much paper and paint we go through around here. It's great! They are so proud of their art work and I hang it all up. It's also a great start for dictation, which helps with language development.

Puzzles are a favorite as well. Here sweet son is telling me he's holding a "tap-a-zoid." Sweet daughter is putting together a more complicated puzzle of Pooh Bear. If you look closely you can see they both have a place mat under their puzzles. This is something they learned from their Montessori school. Before doing their work, they get out a work mat and keep their work contained. They can't get new work until they put the old work away. I love this concept! It limits the mess and helps to keep them focused. They also know how to roll the mats to put them away - another fine motor skill.

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