Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Halloween!

For the readers not from the United States, Halloween is a big deal around here. Kids dress up in costumes and go door to door collecting candy. Many houses are decorated - in our neighborhood we have the same number of houses decorated for Halloween and Christmas.

Here they are in their Halloween outfits from Grandma. These are great for during the day before you put on a costume. Though, the long sleeves and pants weren't really appropriate for our weather. It was much to warm to leave them on for too long.

 The community we live in does many events around Halloween. Here the kids are dressed to go around the downtown area and collect candy from businesses. Sweet daughter chose to be a "tiny ninja" which is quite possibly the most appropriate thing she could have selected. Sweet son is a police car. It actually has working lights and siren. What do you do for a kid who bumps into everything? Wrap him in an inflatable costume.

We were trick or treating in our neighborhood when this police officer pulled over. He wanted to take photos of sweet son's costume to show the guys at the precinct. He also gave them candy. It made their day. I should state that while trick or treating is usually after dark, when your bed time is at 7pm, this is what it looks like.

Here is a video of the siren. You can't really see the lights, but they also work. The best thing about Halloween for us? My weird kids don't like candy. They came home from collecting the candy and gave it all to us so they could play with their pumpkins. AWESOME. I'm not sure how many years we will get away with that.