Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Traditions

One of our Christmas traditions is a trip to Bass Pro Shops. It started because they offer a free photo with Santa. We have gone every year. You should know the lines can be long. When we pull in to the parking lot, I run in and get a timed entry card. Then we either go eat and waste time or get our photos done first depending on how long we have. The timed entry cards just put you in the line with a group of people, so do try to arrive back at the Santa area a few minutes before your entry time.

Every year my kids have less screaming. What is noticeable,is how much happier Santa gets from year to year. Hah! Luckily if you have a long wait, or want something else to do after the photo there are always activities going on in the store.


Riding the reindeer carousel (free) was a huge hit. They also have an area set up for kids to do an art project (free) - the project varies by day so be sure to check if it is something your kids would be interested in doing.


Just walking around this store is fun for the kids. The giant fish tanks, bridges to walk over, a tunnel to walk through, many animals to see (carcasses), and even displays of boats which my kids find fascinating.

If you live near a Bass Pro Shop, please make time to go this Holiday Season. The closer to Christmas, the busier they get so we do try to go at the end of November. I am not in any way affiliated with Bass Pro Shop and they didn't ask me to do a review. We just enjoy going and I thought you might as well.


  1. "Less screaming"? That's almost always a good thing. I don't think I've ever bought anything from Bass, but it's always a fun place to wander around in.

    Do your kids believe in Santa? I never did, and I don't think there are any pictures of me with a Santa, but I remember it being a bit of a joke in our family.

  2. Believe in Santa... not really. They know who Santa is, but in the same way they know who Thomas the Train, Elmo, and Clifford are. Sweet daughter even explained that Mom and Dad put the toys in their stockings. Basically, he's just a character like any other. I like it that way. :)
