Thursday, August 6, 2015

Barcelona Science Museum

For those who read this blog regularly, you know how much we love Science and museums. So it will be no surprise that when we travel we like to check out other Science museums. The one in Barcelona is supported by a bank and the cost of attending is very low especially for how much there is to do once you are inside.

Dinosaurs are always popular.

They had a large area for an aquarium and to learn about the fish and water issues they are having around Spain, especially in Barcelona. We learned about water conservation, threats to ecosystems and tons more.

Evolution! Something many of the Science museums around us avoid due to possibly offending the religious. Our kids loved this exhibit and seeing things that support what we have been teaching them.

There were tons of hands on experiments and experiences. Most we don't have photos of because we were all having too much fun. This one was a GIANT block of ice. You could see where others had placed their hand or finger and melted just a bit of it away.

Behind us you can see another ecosystem area. This museum was one of the best I have ever been to for keeping the kids interested (just not in taking photos). Lots of hands on, a little reading required, many different areas and topics, it excels in all of these categories. They also offer classes that I have heard great things about. While we saw the area the classes are held in and our kids begged to go, they weren't having any during the time we were there.


  1. We are big soccer fans , so of course we love FCBarca, and would love to travel their one day. This would be a great day trip for my daughter and I. vERY COOL!

    1. Barcelona is a great place to visit. I highly suggest it!
