Monday, December 17, 2012

Outside Fun

Here are some of the outside activities we did in December. It did get "cold" for a few days, so the kids got to wear their big coats. I put cold in quotes because it never got cold enough to snow and it didn't last long. That's why I love living here.

Can you guess which kid likes being out in the cold and which prefers the heated house?

Here we are in the town square which is decorated for Christmas. This photo was taken after we saw Santa parachute into town. Any event that can combine airplanes and Santa is going to be a hit with my kids.

 Two elves parachuting - great landings
 Santa parachuting - not a smooth landing

The kids on their balance bikes. I love these things and don't they look so grown up?
 This is further proof I let my kids dress themselves.

Here the kids are using spray bottles with colored water to make a mess outside. Squeezing the handle is a great fine motor activity and since we normally do it with just water, adding a color made it an entirely new activity for them.


  1. Love the spray bottle idea! When I lived in the midwest, we used to do that with the snow.

  2. Parachuting Santa and Elves is hysterical!
