Friday, January 11, 2013


We spend a lot of time working on puzzles around here and it's good to have variety. In addition to the more traditional puzzles, here are some of our favorites.


These are called pattern blocks. We have a couple of different sets. The set you see abovehas foam pieces and many different pattern cards. My favorite setis magnetic, but comes with fewer pattern cards. We also use the pieces from each set for sorting by color, shape, and size.

Not a typical puzzle, but with different types of locksit keeps sweet son entertained for long periods of time. If you have a child who likes to open child locks this is a puzzle they will love, but it will only increase their skill, so be warned.

This is a Montessori inspired puzzle. The pieces fit in multiple places and the child tries to arrange them by height. This is one of sweet daughter's favorite puzzles. You can see in this picture and the one before it that the kids are doing puzzles on their "work mats" which is another Montessori concept. When they are doing work on their mats they must put it away before they get something else because otherwise there isn't room. It has helped keep our playroom much cleaner and everyone is happier.

I know I've posted this puzzle together and in the process of being assembled. Floor puzzles are always more fun and this is sweet son's favorite. We do have a few other floor puzzles - a farm and the Lorax - that get used regularly, but still not as often as this one.

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