Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas Art

I wanted to share some of our favorite art projects for Christmas.

This is a box with a piece of white foam taped down in the middle. The red paint is on the side. Typically I would call this marble art. I would let the kids roll marbles around in the box thus making it look like candy cane stripes. However, with kids who still occasionally put things in their mouths, we don't have marbles. So I found a golf ball and it really had a cool effect. The bumps gave the appearance of texture. I ended up taking the foam sheets and cutting them into bookmarks. I added a small photo of the child who made it to the back and we gave these as gifts to some of the college students who worked with my kids. 

 Here's a very shaky video of what this process looks like.

Each year I also have the kids make an ornament. They started by tearing red and green paper into pieces. We added water and blended it into a mush. Then they pushed the mush into the cookie cutters they picked - she has a candy cane and he picked a sled. Once full, we set them to dry in an oven on very low heat. Just make sure they are pushed as tightly as possible so they don't fall apart when dry.

She did red and green stripes, while his sled is mostly green. I don't force them to wear the hats, it was their idea, but made for cuter photos.

Santa hand prints. This is fairly self explanatory one that the kids love.

Most kids love getting to paint with their feet so this was popular. 
This was the project we used for the front of the cards the kids gave to family.

Just a couple of finishing touches. 
You could always add more stickers for ornaments, but we did so many of these the star on top was perfect.

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