Friday, February 14, 2014

Art and Music Nomenclature Cards

Another Montessori concept that my kids love at home is nomenclature cards. One card has a picture/symbol and the correct label on it. The second card has just the picture/symbol and a third small card has just the label. Kids can start by just matching the symbols and saying the names. Later they match the symbol with the name and use the complete card to check their own work.

We have many different sets of these, but these are pictures from the music symbols set. We also have musical instruments, planets, parts of plants, etc. These are great for the level of independence. My kids will often pick a folder full of these and just practice on their own. It does take up a decent amount of space, but it is quiet and look how proud they are of their work. I find these type of cards on different sites, but my favorite is Montessori Print Shop.

We also use these type of cards for learning works of art and artists. Child Size Masterpieces of Steps 1, 2, 3 - Matching, Pairing, and Sorting - Level 1 Easy is the first step. I highly recommend getting the instruction book that will walk you through all of the steps so you understand the progression. The individual levels do not come with any instructions. My kids know more artists and recognize more styles of art than most high school students, not bad for a couple of preschoolers.

Before my kids started Montessori I had never heard of nomenclature cards and now my kids ask for more. That's a sign of something more people should know about.

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