Monday, January 19, 2015


Every year I read the kids MLK Jr's famous speech. Each year I ask the kids what it was about with varying degrees of understanding. This year they were confused by one thing. Why wouldn't people who are black and white be the same? Sweet Daughter even added, "It's just skin color, it's not anything important like if they know how to follow the rules." I tried explaining that in the recent past people believed the darker your skin color the worse of a person you were. Sweet Son exclaimed, "That's just rude!" They both named people they are friends with who have different color skin. They both pointed out that they are darker than I am. (haha, I know) They are glad MLK Jr did something so that people would be nice to each other.

They were most surprised to find out not everyone agreed and that some people wanted to hurt him. Sweet Daughter said, "Maybe it was a baby who tried to hurt him because they don't know the rules." I said there were many adults who were upset at the idea of all people being equal. Sweet Son said, "But why? That's not logical!"

I love my kids.

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