Friday, January 18, 2013

Calendar Songs

As I mentioned in my circle time post, we sing a lot of songs to teach concepts. Here are videos of my kids singing two of our calendar songs.

Here my kids are singing the Days of the Week.

Here my kids are singing about the months. In case you don't understand the words, I've posted them below.

"January is the first,
February's hear might burst,
March right on till April's here,
May and June you're half way there,
lots of swimming in July,
don't let August pass you by,
September sees the start of school,
October can be very cool,
then November comes our way,
in December we can say,
one whole year has come and gone,
now we know the 12 month song."


  1. So are you writing the songs or did you find them somewhere?

  2. I found them somewhere. I don't remember where because I used these songs when teaching preschool many years ago. They are still stuck in my head, so I figure they must work. haha

  3. I love how their attention span doesn't wane even after 6 or 7 times through the week. I wonder how long they'd keep going if you let them?

  4. I have to keep these in mind for when Paul and I have kids. They are great!
