Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Backyard Playset

We wanted some specific things in a playset so instead of just buying one, Wonderful Husband built this. He didn't have any plans, he just bought the materials and built it. I'm impressed.

Instead of a standard swing, we wanted a disc swing. The disc swing takes a lot more control and core muscles. You know we can't just have something standard around here, haha. 

The other side has the bar and rings. These can be used together or separately. These are not only a core workout, but also an arm workout. Most playground equipment only has things for the legs. This is one of the reasons in the increase in injuries on things like monkey bars which require arm strength. 

The bar and rings can also be taken down quickly and the rope ladder hung up. This particular version of the rope ladder only lasted a couple of days before Wonderful Husband improved on the design. We purposefully did not attach the rope ladder to anything at the bottom. This makes climbing it more of a challenge and a core workout.

Do you notice a theme here? One child was diagnosed with having a weak core and we needed to help build it up. Now when you see our kids you would have no idea which child was struggling. Each of these things helps both of them and they only see it as fun, not as work.

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