Monday, August 13, 2012

Water Play

We love playing with water, especially in the Summer. In addition to the sand and water table, the spray bottles, and the inflatable pool, we were given a few other water toys. Grandma bought this ball, which has water coming out of 5 different spots on it.

The kids have played with beach balls before, but they were surprised when this one started shooting water at them.

Sweet daughter is trying to catch the water. She wasn't successful, but she had so much fun trying!

Clearly, this is a photo of a boy who isn't have any fun at all - hah! He discovered you can cover the hole and play "peek-a-boo" with the water. He likes anything he can control.

"Ready? Ready? Peek-a-Boo"

In this photo, the kids have a bucket of water and cheap paint rollers. They are painting our house. That one spot of the house was cleaner than the rest after they were done, though it did dry almost as fast as they could paint.

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