Monday, June 24, 2013

Cooking and Laundry

Summer is a great time for a chore bootcamp. I decided the kids needed to be doing more around the house. We were able to spend time each day learning how to do different tasks around the house.

We have always done cooking together regularly, but this was their first time to be allowed to use a knife. (Yes, they were plastic.) We made banana ice cream - cut bananas into small pieces, freeze, blend until smooth. Much healthier and my kids loved it. (I also suggest mixing in some peanut butter or strawberries for more flavor.)

 The kids seemed to think clean clothes just appeared in their dressers. This was a great time to teach them the process. They had to put the clothes into the washer. I took them out of the washer and they put them in the dryer.

Once they were dry, the carried the clean clothes to put them away. They quickly learned how to put their own clothes away. They may be dressed in wrinkled clothes, but they did it themselves, which means much more to me.

The kids actually enjoyed doing laundry so much they kept asking for more. Being the over indulgent mom that I am, I allowed them to do our laundry as well. Then they got to wash the sheets, towels, and on and on. At one point they did mention that we do a lot of laundry in this house, but they kept doing it.


  1. I love getting the kids to help out! This is smart :)

    1. I believe in starting when they are young enough to think it is fun. Hopefully it becomes habit before they start hating it.
