Friday, November 27, 2015

Santa Philosophies

After Thanksgiving, I bring out the Christmas books and Christmas decorations. This leads to many conversations. Here are the kids' philosophies on Santa.

Sweet Son: So some people believe Santa is real?
Me: Yes and we respect other people's beliefs.
Sweet Son: They think Santa visits them Christmas morning to fill their stockings.
Me: Sometime between Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, yes.
Sweet Son: It's Winter so the nights are longer. (pause)
Sweet Son: It's Summer in Australia though.
Me: That's true.
(long pause)
Sweet Son: Wait! Not everyone's a Christian, so that will help. (pause)
Me: (snickering)
Sweet Son: But still, it's not just improbable, it's impossible!

I'm not sure I picked the right time of year to do the lessons on probability, but he does clearly understand the concept.

And what does Sweet Daughter think?

Sweet Daughter: If we tell people what we want Santa to bring us those people buy gifts for us. I don't care if the tag says Santa or not.

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