Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Sweet Daughter decided to play basketball this Fall. She wanted something with people and competition. She's actually a decent basketball player, despite her height.

She's the tiny one in purple in the middle of the photo. 
Yeah, the other girls were all MUCH bigger on both teams.

She is the one with the ball trying to figure out who is open.

I'll be honest, this is what most of my photos look like. I think she's the small blur in front.

Notice the video camera in front of me? The other team recorded each of their games and then would meet and analyze their performance and what they needed to work on. Their coach was... intense. She screamed and called them names and insulted them. Did I mention this is first and second grade girls recreational basketball? We lost the game, but our girls walked away happy because no one screamed at them. It taught them to appreciate something they had taken for granted before.

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