Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mardi Gras and Wonderful World

Painting Masks with Purple, Yellow, and Green. The teacher in me can't help but notice she is still using a fist grip while he is using a tripod grasp too far up on the brush.
They added feathers and had Mardi Gras Masks!

We were making Mardi Gras masks while listening to Mardi Gras Mambo. Sweet Daughter then requested some "good music." When further questioned she wants to hear some Satchmo. I was able to get a recording of her singing "What a Wonderful World". :) She may not know a single Disney Princess, but she knows the important stuff. haha

Here's sweet daughter's version of "Wonderful World." Yes, we have an illustrated book of the song.

 Not to be outdone, sweet son has is own version of "Wonderful World."

This is what happens when they both try singing it together... bouncy, bouncy

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