Thursday, May 16, 2013

Da Vinci Museum, Rome

One of the things we didn't plan on doing, but decided to make time for was a visit to the Da Vinci Museum in Rome. It was centrally located, we had a coupon, and I'm kind of a nerd. Luckily it was a hands on museum and it was empty other than us, so we got to do everything for as long as we wanted.

Sweet son was thrilled to find this "crane", but this was one of the few things he wasn't allowed to play with.

Pulleys, gears, wood and ropes - this was heaven for kids who want to learn how things work.

The war machine - you couldn't go inside, but it was fun to look at.

Do you see the look on his face? We didn't need to explain how it worked. 
He could see it and control it and what more could a kid want?

She exclaimed, "It fits together like alligator teeth!"

 There were many more exhibits I'm not including photos of. This is not a huge museum, but it was fun. The kids loved seeing the swimming fins (they actually had a full sized mannequin in water).  Just about the time you forget you are in Rome, they have a cut out in the floor so you can see the ruins this building was built on top of. Most of the current buildings were built on history.

This was their absolute favorite. Simply turn the handle and it plays music! They watched exactly how it works and then ask wonderful husband to make them one for home. You don't always get what you want though.

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