Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The farm in Poland (Zajaczkow)

After our visit to Lodz, we headed to Zajaczkow, or as we call it "the farm." Being from the city, usually a trip to a farm would be more like a field trip for us, so getting to visit family on a farm was exciting for many reasons.

My kids love dogs, so finding one who just hung around waiting to be petted was a treat every time they went up and down the steps to the front door.

They fed the chickens and even got to pet one. We got to eat fresh eggs and it was fun watching the kids make the connection to where eggs really do come from.

Riding in a tractor and being able to help drive? Pretty much a dream come true for a 2 year old. 

When we visit farms around us, they never just open the barn and let the kids explore. The kids spent a lot of time climbing on this and taking turns trying to pull it to give each other rides. (They couldn't get it to move.)

We ended the day by climbing on the hay. It's more fun than a playground any day.

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