Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fountains in Rome

You would think after the trip to Venice our kids would get tired of water. Instead, they became even more interested in fountains. Rome is filled with fountains. I know because I'm fairly certain we stopped at each one. In addition to the water, many of the fountains have horses. Sweet son wanted to stop and talk to every single horse. That's when he really started to understand the concept of statues.

 Many fountains we couldn't get close to because they are in the middle of roundabouts.

Other fountains we could get close to, but they had very little water running through them.

Why look at the camera when there is a fountain with horses?

The most famous fountain is the Trevi fountain. The fountain was conceptualized in 1629, but not completed until 1762. It was refurbished in 1998 and has just stated another, even larger restoration as of January.

Like all of the fountains in Italy, all of the water is potable. However because of the tradition of throwing money into the fountain, you should not try to get any of the water. They watch closely because many people try taking money out of the fountain, so don't even try it. The more than 3,000 euros that are collected from the fountain every day are used to provide food for the needy.

Someone offered to take our photograph as a family in front of the Trevi fountain. It's a fairly good photo of us, but you can't really tell what fountain it is. For future reference, if you offer to take a photo of a family AND a fountain - try to get more of the fountain in the photo.


  1. So, did you throw in any money?

    1. We didn't have any coins on us, so no we didn't throw any money in the fountain.

  2. Beautiful!! I'm glad you had a wonderful trip!
