Monday, June 3, 2013

Wroclaw Fun

You never know what will interest kids. You could put them in a room filled with toys and find they are obsessed with the door - or maybe that's just my kids.

Sweet son's lovie is a duck so when he started noticing ducks around the house he would ask to play with them. He could find ducks in every room - so many that one of the people who lived there didn't know where they were all coming from.

Family and ducks, what more could they want, right?

That's when he discovered the door. It slides. Open and shut and open and shut...

The next day (notice they did change clothes) at a different house, she is playing with toys and he's back with a door. When we got back to America he kept asking for his own sliding door. 

She gathered her "favorite" books and made a fort. He was still playing with the door.

We decided to take the kids outside and away from the door for a while. 

He wanted to ride a duck, but decided this would do. I'm honestly not sure what animal it was supposed to be.

He loved having his cousin push him on the swing. I loved that I could sit back and watch them play. The kids also noticed that the swings here were different than the swings at home or the ones in Italy.

Merry-go-rounds were everywhere it seemed. The kids quickly learned how to make it go by themselves and then they learned why they should let it stop before trying to step off.

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