Monday, May 26, 2014

Busy Life and Power Lines

Sweet Son's current obsession interest is power lines. He loves seeing how they are attached to poles and what they are connected to (lights, other poles, etc). A few days ago he ask why our neighborhood doesn't have any, after all we do have lights. I explained they are buried under the ground here. He seemed fine with that. Today we were driving past some large power lines. He ask why our power lines are under the grass. I said that it's safer. He ask why these (pointing outside the car) aren't under the dirt. I said it's cheaper to put them up than to bury them. He paused for a few minutes and just when I thought the conversation must be over, he said, "How much cheaper? It must be a lot in order for them not to want to be safe." I love that connection. It must cost a lot more in order for them to want to sacrifice safety. I did explain that these are still safe, just not as safe. I explained lines breaking and weather problems that can make them not AS safe, but that they are not something we need to be afraid of.

Everything is wrapping up for the school year. Their school only has one week left. I am so happy to have more time to spend with the kids. I hate spending hours every day driving them to/from places.

Sweet Daughter is doing great. She's slowly starting to learn that she isn't in charge of the world. It's a difficult lesson to teach when almost everyone does whatever she demands without question. I don't care how cute she is, she is 3 and doesn't get to make the rules. She has recently decided she likes playing the piano - to a point. She still tells me she's going to switch instruments when she turns 6. I think that's probably a good choice. I could see her being more into musical theater. She needs something dramatic. haha

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